Transfer to our Family

Now it’s time to formally resign from your existing agency and join the Ascent Family. If you don’t have a child in placement you can resign at any point during the process. However, if you do have a child in placement resignation can only be given to your existing agency or local authority when a recommendation for approval has been received by the Ascent panel. There is a notice period of 28 day for resignation.


Our independent panel will review your assessment and make recommendations to our agency decision maker. A decision will be made within 7 days.

Transfer protocol

This meeting will take place within 28 days of your intension to transfer. The meeting is to discuss the needs of the children and what support they will need. This will include the SSW, the child’s social worker, the foster carers, and any professional deemed appropriate to attend and contribute to the meeting, there is normally a separate meeting with commissioning and the agency to discuss finances and fostering allowances.

Assessment process

As an experienced carer we will fast track your application with your assigned assessor, the aim will be to complete the assessment within 12 weeks.

Intension to transfer

You will need to notify your current agency or local authority that you intend to transfer, if you have a child in placement you must also inform the child’s placing local authority.

Initial Visit

When you are ready to take the next step we will visit you at home and discuss your situation further and answer any further questions you may have.


A one to one consultation we will discuss our therapeutic way of working and ensure Ascent is the right agency for you.

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