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January 2021

“2020, what a year it was”

2020 was the year that no one expected, the entire world was forced to get accustomed to the ‘new normal’, adjusting to working from home, queues, masks and of course Zoom!

Although 2020 was not the year we planned at Ascent, as ever, we got through it. We still managed to stay connected to the Ascent family and didn’t let social distancing stop us from getting together as a family.

This year’s end of review will showcase some of Ascent’s 2020 highlights:

  • Much like the rest of the UK we adapted and changed our working practices to meet the challenging situation of the pandemic. We became masters of Zoom! Hosting meetings, training sessions, seminars, celebrations, and competitions all over Zoom. We were particularly fond of Head Wrap Wednesdays where the whole team would don headwraps. Check out all our Zoom fun in the link here. 
  • We celebrated our 7th birthday this year too! And of course, in true Ascent fashion, we celebrated in style (lockdown wasn’t going to hold us back). We sent out birthday cakes to all those who have had a major impact on Ascent over the years. Of course, it wouldn’t be a lockdown celebration without a Zoom party. We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and blew out the candles. A huge thank you again to all our Ascent family, past and present, without you we would not be celebrating 7 years.  To see more from our 7th birthday, click here. 
  • This year we welcomed 7 new families to Ascent – we are so happy to open our arms to  Sam & Ray, Sylvia, Samantha, Lucy, Jameela, Josephine, and Coral – welcome aboard!
  • This year we gave our young people a platform to really nurture their talents and creativity.  You may have spotted that we held baking, poetry, and art competitions throughout the year and the results were absolutely amazing. It even sparked some entrepreneurial spirit in one of our young people who has started a baking business whipping up sweet treats. Check out Manny Bakes Ldn here. 
  • Ascent also now has a superstar in its midst – our very own Kevin a.k.a KG Tha Comedian has made multiple TV appearances this year. You might have spotted him in the fantastic BBC One drama ‘The Capture’ or the hilariously funny ‘Famalam’ and you can spot him very soon in the new comedy ‘Bloods’ that follows the day in the life of paramedics. Keep up the good work KG, stay up to date with all his latest shows on Instagram.
  • We also have had a huge transformation in Ascent – it seems that lockdown has inspired some to catch the fitness bug. Mark H has had an amazing 2 stone weight loss and is now a dead ringer for George Clooney.
  • This year we also witnessed the powerful and important Black Lives Matter movement, where millions of people across the world peacefully demonstrated against the unlawful murders of innocent black people: R.I.P to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the hundreds more who have been innocently murdered. Here at Ascent, we were struck by these events and felt the need to bring awareness to the mistreatment of black people. Our young people responded brilliantly and reaffirmed the importance of the continued need to challenge and oppose racism in any guise through writing spoken word. To read some of the poems that were written, please click this link.    

  • Earlier this year, we wished Chantelle good luck as left for maternity. We are so happy to welcome Roshaan into the Ascent family. Congratulations to Chantelle on having a beautiful baby boy! We can’t wait to meet him and welcome you back.  
  • This year we had four students placed with us, Kiely, Ann-Marie, Mark, and Cheyenne. We place a strong commitment to learning and creating opportunities for people entering into social work. We also didn’t manage to scare them all away as the lovely Cheyenne has decided to join us full-time working with Kevin in the Mentoring team, after graduating with first-class honours. Huge congratulations to Cheyenne, we are extremely lucky to have you on the team!

  • And no end of the year wouldn’t be complete without the annual Christmas Party – huge thanks to Kevin and Sita for organising and putting together a fun 2 hours filled with games and competitions. Huge congratulations to the winners Group A  and to the best-dressed winners Chaina and Josephine, also a honourable mention to the individual winners David and Robert. 

Thank you for joining us on our end of year roundup, we hope you enjoyed reading what has been happening at Ascent in 2020. We cannot wait to see what 2021 holds.

One thing we do know is that whatever it brings, we know that we have each other and that we can get through almost anything.

So Happy New Year, see you in 2021!

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