We come across so many people who would love to foster children and young people, but many raise concerns about not being able to foster full-time. This could be for many reasons, such as their career or lifestyle that may restrict them from providing full-time foster care.


What is great about fostering placements is that it is designed to meet the individual needs and specific requirements of both foster carers and the children in their care. There are many different types of foster care, meaning there are many options available for you to find the right ‘fit’. 


What is respite fostering care?


Alongside long-term, short-term and emergency placements, there is respite care. Respite care is largely a short-term placement ranging from a weekend, school holidays or sometimes a few weeks. The main aim of respite care is to provide support and stability to a child that is currently placed with a foster family. 


The reason for respite care is to allow the original foster family, foster child or birth parents a break to rest and recharge. Respite fostering may also be needed if it’s not capable for a child to be included in the foster family’s travel plans.

Is respite foster care for me?


As mentioned earlier you may be somebody who wants to foster, but your current circumstances may not allow you to foster full-time. You may also be new to the profession and be slightly nervous about fostering and would like to build up some experience before committing to a longer-term placement. These are situations where becoming a respite foster carer could be more suitable for you.


Although as an independent agency we understand the need for stability to further the long-term development of foster children, we also understand the importance of parents and carers having access to a support network that can improve the quality of care being provided. Respite foster care allows you to enrich the lives of children and young people on a short term basis.

How do I become a respite foster carer?

To become a respite foster carer, the same fostering requirements still apply – must have a spare bedroom, be over the age of 21 and have some financial stability.

If you’re interested in respite foster care, or any other type of fostering, it’s definitely time to start your life-changing journey as a foster carer. Get in touch with us for an informal chat to learn more. 


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